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What is Boldly Free?

Let's show you how we're trying to make a difference for this generation and the next

Resources for Being Independent

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Podcasts, resources and tools we believe in, most of which are free.


Consult ROI  -advise from several industries and both from perspective of business owner and employees

REAL AF   - Lot of people may find Andy Frisella abrasive, however, if you set that aside, advise he gives is solid and genuine.  There's a reason 1stPhorm does as well as it does.

The Game - Guy that got knocked down and made bad choices, just like the rest of us who opens up about how he was able to pivot and gain the success he now has.

The Ed Mylett Show - Great content... but not at the top of the list because while some of it is great information.... just be prepared for an unholy amount of ads for products most of which we would not support.


Books we recommend:

 Relentless - Tim S. Grover

 Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy

 Built to Last - James C. CollinsJerry I. Porras

 How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie

Traction - EOS Systems (free downloads for their system HERE )



Other ways to support while getting cheaper items;

3d Printing (Everyone self sufficient needs a 3d printer)

USA MADE filament iiidmax.com  couponcode: boldlyfree

USA MADE filament fremover.net couponcode: BoldlyFree


Affiliate Partners;

1st Phorm Supplements

 BuckedUp Supplements Get upto 20% off with coupon code; BOLDLYFREE1776


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Part of our agreement with 1st phorm is that we cannot sell any of their products online. You can get exclusive pricing at any of our locations or on the phone at +1 (801)917-5447